Representatives from Malaysia are trained at WEM



Over the last years, WEM Equipamentos Eletrônicos has been continually improving its infrastructure for exportation, which currently involves more than 70 countries. This process includes investments and agreements with distributors located in every continent as well as the training of new partners who are responsible for equipment sales and technical assistance.

Throughout this year, professionals from different countries have been visiting WEM’s manufacturing facilities in Ribeirão Preto to see for themselves the latest innovations in the production line as well as the details concerning the operation and maintenance of the most important devices. For instance, two representatives from Malaysia were visiting the company between August 20 and 24 to be trained.

Technician Jeyakumary Narayanasamy and biomedical engineer Sivakumar Natarajan, of Goodlabs Medical distributor, spent five days under the supervision of technician João Batista de Souza for intensive training. According to Jõao Batista, “the results of such cooperation were extremely positive, and both representatives have returned to Malaysia prepared to meet the demands for technical assistance in their country”.

Author: Conceito Comunicação


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